

About the show

We wanted to create a show that would have all those things that had always fascinated us in the theatre, from all of the springs in its internal machinery to the complexity of a dramatic text composed for flesh and blood actors. The result is surely something that is candidly pretentious, but we ask you to consider, apart from our youth, how unusual it is in these times and in these latitudes to witness a puppet show for adults.

Firma Bambalina

Artistic team

Adaptation and director: Vicent Vila

Puppeteers: Jaume Policarpo, Josep Policarpo, Vicent Vila, Ester Segrelles, Lali Vicent

Scenery and marionettes: Jaume Policarpo, Vicent Vila

Marionette design and wardrobe: Jaume Policarpo, Vicent Vila, Ester Segrelles, Lali Vicent

Executive production: Vicent Vila