The sky in a room

The sky in a room

About the show

A show with texts by Jaume Policarpo, Xavier Puchades and Paco Zarzoso
[ ] True / [ ] False
When you think of what you have experienced, you invent an imaginary realm where you can recreate your memories. This space (like the stage) houses a reconstructed world that has ties with the actual experience which happened in the past, but also, being an experience recalled from memory and re-played by our imagination, it inevitably acquires a different nuance. Tainted memories.
When we think about what happened to us, our life is detached from reality, it blossoms you could say. This action that we perform daily, barely perceiving it, has something of pure creation. We all reconstruct, with our memory, experiences where reality and the imaginary live in perfect harmony, as a perfect solution endowed with a coherence that even the most brilliant artist would wish for in his work.
Exploring these processes is exciting for us: life unfolds when we remember it (we re-invent it), to think about it, to tell it, to write about it, to show it.
We wanted the stage to be the place where we merge what happened with what we thought happened, what we dreamt happened, what we wished had happened and what never should have happened… for that, we have narrowed down our musings into the field of feelings … here, as you know, it is impossible to be right or wrong.
“The sky in a room” tries to take us to that spiritual plane that we explore with true delirium when we fall the lucky victims of LOVE. Whoever thinks that love is a moth-eaten word that barely manages to sound good in romantic songs, has the alternative of estrogen and testosterone … Although against such nasty words the choice seems quite obvious.

Firma Bambalina

Artistic team

Autores: Jaume Policarpo, Xavier Puchades, Paco Zarzoso

Dirección: Jaume Policarpo

Intérpretes: Sergio Caballero, Carme Juan, Carmen López, David Durán / Àngel Fígols, Esperanza Giménez

Espacio escénico: Jaume Policarpo

Iluminación: Juanjo Llorens

Espacio sonoro: Joan Mei, David Alarcón

Vestuario: Paco Salabert

Diseño y construcción marionetas: Salvador Comeche, Ximo Muñoz

Diseño gráfico: Estudi Paco Bascuñán

Fotografía: Jordi Pla

Comunicación: Begoña Donat

Administración: Inés Cabo

Distribución: Ángeles González

Producción ejecutiva: Josep Policarp