Petit Pierre
About the show
Pierre Avezard, called Petit Pierre, was an amazing human being whose life and work has moved thousands of people. His creation, a mechanical installation; fascinating for both the combination of characters and the inventions and gears that animate them, has become a great love poem for life. Every spring he proudly showed it to everyone who wanted to come along and he himself would put it to work as an extension of his body. All those who knew him were touched by this singular and wonderful person, able to create an extraordinarily simple yet incredibly powerful piece of work.

Artistic team
Dirección: Carles Alfaro
Intérpretes: Adriana Ozores, Jaume Policarpo
Texto: Suzanne Lebeau
Composición y dirección musical: Albert Sanz
Percusión: Borja Barrueta
Diseño espacio escénico: Jaume Policarpo
Realización espacio escénico: Odeón Decorados
Elementos de tracción mecánica: Bicicletas Pedalnet
Diseño iluminación: Víctor Antón
Diseño sonido: Edu Soriano
Diseño gráfico: Assad Kassab
Fotografia: Samuel Domingo
Vídeo: Ítaca Vídeo
Ayudante de dirección: Paula Llorens
Producción: Josep Policarpo, Ángeles González