
Functions commemorating the 25th anniversary (december 2006)


Jorge Picó


Jaume Policarpo


Cristina Andreu David Durán Cristina García Esperanza Giménez Àngel Fígols Gemma Miralles José Montesinos Empar Canet Jose Giménez Rebeca Valls Mamen García Juanfran Aznar José Rodríguez Marisol Limiñana Gloria Sirvent Alicia Cubells Vicen Chaparro Carol Linuesa Carles Royo Carme Juan Carmen López Benja Doménech Inés Muñoz Pau Esteve Juansa Lloret Jaume Policarpo Josep Policarpo


Víctor Antón


Edu Bolinches Ximo Muñoz


Josep Policarpo Ángeles González

Expressing ideas and emotions. This is what we wanted from the start. Then, once the show was already done… it is a lot more difficult to summarise in one phrase what the purpose was behind all of this. So much work, so many anxieties, the words, the discussions, the laughter, the secrets, the insecurities, the caresses, the nerves, the euphoria, the tears, the songs… And finally, something alive and independent made with all of these parts. Autonomous. A being. A creation with its vital cycle. Cities. People with names such as Dolores, such as Ruben, Irene… Kilometres of life… Its slipstream lies now in the memory. Was it not reasonable to try and repeat the ineffable. Remaking something so beautiful and so imperfect. Pure theatre experience. What we dreamed at the beginning should be this. No, it does not seem a good idea to visit the past, it should not even be possible. What should one do then?

We went over and this until our heads were spinning. Something finally occurred to us: to make it possible for those who were not there at the time to be able to participate in the experience we keep in our heart. And when we say heart we mean the place where we keep everything that is ruined by trying to explain it. And that is what we did, we called all our friends to come and dance, sing, play, to feel and yell Pasionaria with us, on the L’Altre Espai stage. This sounds like the PRESENT, doesn’t it? Just as the word THEATRE should always sound.

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