About the show
A box is not just a box. These CUBES contain stories, INFINITE STORIES. You can see, touch and organise them. But when they are thrown into the air … Anything can happen. And when they open … WHAT STORY WILL COME OUT? The same boxes, the same drawings, the same objects form a single universe that creates different worlds in each and every show. Each box, with its small objects and puppets huddled inside, only wants to have the opportunity to be chosen by the viewer to tell its story.

Artistic team
Idea, creación y dirección: Jaume Policarpo
Intérpretes: Ruth Atienza, Àlex Cantó, Miguel Seguí
Espacio sonoro: Truna y Mei
Iluminación: Manuel Vicente
Fotografía: Francesc Vera
Vídeo: Albert Staromiejski
Diseño gráfico: Eusebio López
Producción: Bambalina Teatre Practicable